torsdag 28 januari 2010

Havent painted for a while

Ha! I have focused on the game project and forgot to paint. And here is a random paint I did a mixed leventep and my style. And I am a bit rusty painting robots, maybe its time to paint some more robots.

fredag 22 januari 2010

No worry about searching job as an environmental artist

While listening at Linkin Park Divide and working on my portfolio I kinda feel some hope of there is chance to get a job as an environment artist. I read some of the forums and listened of highly experienced artists the reason to have a big chance to get a job is to have the best portfolio you have showing maximum 5 top best work and trying to be highly skillful in school. Here is a link I read from

fredag 15 januari 2010

Things are going really good now

It has been quite good at school but some things needed to change while working the same workflow. I need to be more focus on the overall of stuff even though it is going really fast to produce out buildings. Just need to add some more love into my work.

tisdag 12 januari 2010

I need to shit out more stuff

Since the new year is over I have been kinda slow to produce more stuff lately.
In my mind I am thinking of painting stuff on the other side I want to produce more 3d stuff. It is of course impossible and further this week we are going to create our portfolio and showreel. I feel that I dont have enough stuff to show even I have suffered a lot of working my ass off at school. So what's happening? Here are the newest 3d stuff I did recently.