torsdag 26 november 2009

fun fun fun...

I never get tired on mattepainting. The fantasy is so huge you can paint everything you can imagine. I find out that I suck at persp thats no good, it is like seeing in black and white but not the color. I have to understand the persp and then I have acomplished and be better than I am today. This week will only be concepting but next week I will start with the modelling.

onsdag 25 november 2009

Concept to our new feature game

This time I am going to take responsibility on environment on our upcoming rts game.

I am going to create loads of environments and will do it godlike. Right not here are some rough and fine concept. The game will be zombie,medieval hack and slash game.

söndag 15 november 2009

My school is killing me

Two project at the same time and deadline is next week. I am now at school working with my own project. It is too much even though it is two. One is for my portfolio and one is game project with another group. I guess I need to go for 50% each. Time is important and I even dont have time to do some speedpaints. Oh what the heck here is a speedy I did.

torsdag 5 november 2009


A rough mattepaint for the assassin creed 2 competition. A concept of it should look like in 3d.

måndag 2 november 2009

My upcoming work

Here is my concept to my character. I have 3 weeks to do it and it is going to be a mutant player that play softball very violent and doesnt care of any living coming nearby. He kills everything he sees. A little bit if running man and gamer.